The Solar Neutrino Problem - Planetarium Show

March 29, 2024
07:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Arts and Sciences Campus Events Planetarium
bet36365体育 Planetarium, Bruner Hall of Science

Presented by Dr. Jeremy Armstrong - bet36365体育 Physics & Astronomy

Shows are free but due to limited seating free tickets are required. Tickets will be made available approximately one week before the show. Walk-in attendees will be allowed at the presenter's discretion if reserved tickets have not been redeemed by 5 minutes prior to a show.

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Neutrinos are particles produced in some nuclear processes. The sun produces them as it burns hydrogen into helium.  In the 1960s, Ray Davis and John Bahcall set out to measure them. In a tank of drycleaner deep within South Dakota's Homestake Mine, Davis measured one-third the amount of neutrinos that were predicted by Bahcall's calculations. This discrepancy was dubbed "The Solar Neutrino Problem." Subsequent experiments in Japan, the Soviet Union, and Italy confirmed the problem.  Many solutions were proposed, including the eventual solution: neutrino oscillations. In 2001, the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, published the results that confirmed neutrino oscillations and solved the problem, leading to Nobel Prizes for Davis in 2002 and others for neutrino oscillations in 2015.

Adam Jensen